Friday, 22 September 2017

I know it's been awhile since we've done a post - so today is the day! 

This is a picture of the amazing print we made [with the help of Rachel!]  It is a beautiful and constant reminder of the blessings of each other and the strength that we are 'rooted' in.

I never know how much detail to put in to these blogs, but its hard to truly explain things in Wayne's journey without getting into some medical 'jargon'!
So, I'll just dive into things.  Since our last post in July . . .  Wayne had his bone and bone marrow biopsies in late July.  Both showed spread of the cancer into the marrow as well as being highly involved in the bone.  Wayne's PSA continued to rise dramatically, as did his pain.  It was mid August when he got in for a consult at Princess Margaret.  [A HUGE thank you here to Aunt Brenda and Uncle Bill for 'taking us in', chauffeuring us around Toronto and keeping us fed and watered!! We appreciate that more than you'll ever know!!] The doctor there had a new trial that he felt would be beneficial to Wayne, but looking further into it was found that he was not eligible.  Without getting into too much detail, he didn't qualify because his cancer was too aggressive.  They thought they could maybe 'sneak' him in, but it would be another couple weeks - repeat all the scans, and then still may not be approved for the trial.  At that point his PSA was climbing so rapidly, and he was feeling so horribly, that waiting was not an option.  Our oncologist here had a drug approved for him which he could start right away, which would hopefully 'slow things down'  - so that's what we did.
He started that drug Aug 21st.  Within a couple weeks Wayne was starting to feel so much better.  His pain was much less and his energy was improving.
So today, a month after starting this new drug, he had follow up blood work and visit with our oncologist.  Aug 17th his PSA was 933 [it was at its lowest about half way through chemo at 23], today it is 83!!!!  Now that's some great news!!
Now, as with most things in Wayne's world, there is usually a 'but'.  It seems his new drug is suppressing his bone marrow, making his white blood cells/ neutrophils drop - once again, not a usual reaction - yep, that's Wayne!  So we are cutting down the dose of the drug and will check his blood work again in 2 weeks.  Praying this will help the bone marrow while still allowing the effect on the PSA.  In the meantime, we need to keep any bugs away from him!
He was also started on an IV drug today to hopefully help strengthen his bones [they had previously tried an injection for this, but it dropped his calcium too low].  If his blood work shows the calcium is tolerating this, he will go in monthly for this IV drug. 

I think that covers Wayne's last couple of months.  Obviously wasn't the summer we were hoping for, and far from our usual summer of adventures, but we were still together!!  And always thankful for all the everyday, simple treasures together.

As for the rest of us, we are back in the routine days of fall.  We are actually seeing our kids now more than usual - Jessica is on another co-op work term, so she is home till the new year.  Vanessa chose to do her BScN for the first 2 years here at Georgian and then will be going to York for 2 years, and Brian is off to grade 5.  Brian was super excited to have his same teacher as last year [she's amazing!!], and most of his core group of friends in his class again.  He is in the middle of try-outs for rep hockey, and he's loving being back in the net!  Vanessa is enjoying her program, even with the crazy amount of work she has to do.  Jessica loves being back at work at Barry's, she loves the variety of work and the people that she works with.  We've also been busy with her abundant little garden - even done some firsts for us - bread and butter pickles, salsa, relish, pickled beets, on top of our usual freezer beans, carrots and beets!  I am working again, just less shifts than what I used to do.  This seems to be working well for us, and it has been so nice to be back working with all the great people I have the privilege to call friends. Some shifts can be challenging mentally to me, but generally its been a good transition - working, and catching up with everyone [nurses always have great stories!!].  So very much to be thankful for!!

Before I started writing this blog, I took the time to read over our previous posts.  It's been quite the roller coaster these last 9 months, ups and downs for sure, but at the same time we are so full of thanks.  Obviously overwhelmingly thankful that Wayne can be feeling fairly good the last couple of weeks, but also thankful for 9 months!  Yep, they were not all 'good' days, but as we were discussing together today, its amazing how your definition of  'good' times changes.  We can look back and rejoice at the blessings of each and every day - we are together.  We have joy in simple moments.

We thank you all again for your continued love, support and prayers - it really does help so much, knowing that we are never going through anything alone. And we thank God for the peace we have, and continue to stand "rooted in Faith, Hope and Love".