Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Well, it's been awhile again!  But here we are - still together, abundantly thankful for each day.  This is a picture from the trip we took East a few years ago - a reminder of all the yesterdays we can be forever grateful for!!
Thought a post just before Thanksgiving would be completely appropriate, since we can always find something to be thankful for!

The past few months have had there challenges, but with hard days comes abundant appreciation for the good days.  Wayne started a new treatment in London, every 6 weeks. [I should clarify, this is a treatment to try and slow down/ break down the cancer in the bones.  All the treatments they have tried to slow the actual prostate source have been unsuccessful, so no further treatment that way - just trying to treat/control symptoms and further spread] The first couple treatments were very hard on Wayne, but with the addition of a new medication to help control the symptoms, he is tolerating the treatments much better. [A huge thank you to Dr. Huff!!]  There was concern the treatments weren't helping, but after some blood work today, it seems the treatment has started to do what it is supposed to - so he can continue on with them!  We are so thankful for this, the opportunity to still be in some form of treatment is reassuring.

We have been extremely thankful that Wayne has been feeling pretty good the last month.  Mornings and evenings are still slow, but he is able to putter around here during the day - and that helps us all feel a little 'normal'.  We were able to enjoy some outings with our children and friends this summer, and he has been able to make it to make it to church a few times, and even to the arena this fall to watch Brian - more to be thankful for!

This is such a broken world, and we have been reminded of it lately as we have had some others close to us receive difficult diagnosis' and walk hard journeys with their families.  We cry for them and wonder why, just as we can still question our own path.  We don't have the answers, but we do have Faith [another thing to be thankful for, for without it we could not stand].  We move forward each day with Trust and Hope.  We pray for them and for us, and we know when the days come that it is hard to pray - there are others out there praying for us, and we are forever grateful for that.

So thank you all again, for your ongoing love, support and prayers.  Know that we are doing good and be thankful with us for the gift of time.
We wish each and every one of you a wonderful Thanksgiving together.