So, the CT and bone scan showed that the lymph node size has gone down, and there are no new areas of cancer in the bones. This is good, however the 'activity' of the existing cancer in the bones has increased - not so good. Unfortunately his PSA count has gone up significantly, definitely not good. We are going to do another blood test in a couple weeks, and check the PSA again - if still increasing she will look into clinical trials offered elsewhere. There is really nothing more she can offer here. Basically she said all we can really do right now is pray - and she has and will continue to pray for us as well. She said Wayne's body has been through a lot these last few months, and she would like to see him be able to take it easy for the summer, and enjoy our time together with our children. Not what you like to hear from a doctor, but we are thankful for her compassion and care.
Not the news we were hoping to hear or pass on to you all. Yet we are trying to remain positive, enjoy the time we have together, and stand firm in faith, hope and love.
Standing in awe of God's amazing creation, making more memories together!
We are so thankful for the awesome trip we were able to take with Brian, Derek, Tracey and Ryan - everything went so smoothly, and Wayne felt so great - for sure a miracle in itself. Had so much fun just being tourists, and even got to meet up with some of our 'western' family!! Great times with great friends - we are so blessed!
Looking forward to making some more great memories . . .
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