Friday, 27 January 2017

Wayne is needing some Vitamin D - thought this picture of our DeBummel family soaking up the rays in Cuba would help!!

I never know how to start these things, so guess I'll just jump right in to it.  As a lot of you know, today was Wayne's blood work/follow up appointment day.  We are happy to say he remained conscious for it all!!  His MRI showed some disc protrusion, but no compression of the spinal cord - good news.  His bloodwork showed that his PSA level has dropped from almost 4000 to 983, our oncologist was hoping/guessing it would be about 1000 [ smart lady!]  She was very happy with that drop, it shows that the hormone treatment he has been on is helping.  Wayne's case has been very concerning to her - his young age, sudden onset and severity of spread, raise many questions.  She has been consulting with several other oncologists/ professors / researchers to see what more can be done.  It is a very aggressive cancer, so with much research and discussion she has decided to offer a series of chemotherapy treatments [as well as continue the hormone therapy], to try and slow the progression down.  The chemo will start Feb 6th, and is done here in Owen Sound.  And then comes the dreaded prognosis - at this time she is saying "I have to say it could be months, but I am really wanting to be optimistic and say a year or more"   -    wow, that's a hard one to officially hear, but we are shooting for the 'more'!

In processing this all again, we still say our God is powerful . . . miracles can happen . . . new treatments can come.    But we also know we have been so very blessed to have each other, and our amazing children - so many wonderful times together - trips we've taken, things we've seen and done together, memories made.  And now we will treasure every new moment that we are given, and "just be".

We have also been blessed beyond our comprehension by all the prayers, love, support and generosity of our amazing friends, co-workers, and family.  Thank you all so very much, we are absolutely humbled. 


  1. As you process, as you look ahead to treatment, as you LIVE each day to the full with purpose and faith, may God hold you tight and continue to show Himself through the love and care of your support community. Your words and faith are inspiring, Brenda. Sending our love to all of you.

  2. We are happy to hear that the doctors had some good news! We continue to,pray for healing and strength!

  3. Brenda....have been thinking of you and your family so much over the past month. Lots of prayers and love being sent your way <3
    ...Monica Brown (Haak)

  4. Thank you so much for the update. We are praying for you and the family and especially for healing for Wayne. We will lift Wayne up in prayer in the weeks to come as he starts his chemo treatments. Thank you for the reminder that God is good...even in this.
    Shawn and Jenn Hummel

  5. (((( Hugs )))) to you Brenda and Wayne. We keep your family in our prayers,

  6. Thanks for the update Brenda. Hugs to you, Wayne and family. Our prayers are with you <3
